Ancient Egypt: Part 3

ANCIENT EGYPT JEWELLERY Last but not least, jewellery was an essential part of life for ancient Egyptians. Its bright colurs contrasted with their white outfits and it was a way of determining wealth and social status. It also carried out an important religious role: to protect the person from evil. Headresses and crowns Crowns were worn by Pharaohs and Queens. There were different types: Nemes: made of starched linen, it was divided in parts with bright colours. Khepresh: the blue crown of War. Flat crown: it appeared during the New Kingdom (Nefertiti's crown) Pschent: the crown of the Upper and Lower Egypt. Vulture crown: worn by the Great Royal Wives There were also headresses that emulated ostrich feathers (this was the crown of the god Osiris) or simply headbands which held the wigs. Creation of the Pschent combinining the crown of Upper Egypt and the crown of Lower Egypt ...